Turtley Ironic

It takes a true genius like Senator Yertle McConnell to turn healthcare legislation into a massive tax cut for the people he works for.

That isn't you and me, by the way.

The only reason the new law isn't passed and signed already is our other Senator, Randi Poodle-Do, and others are trying to prove they're bigger self-righteous inhumane jerks than Yertle.  Why only kick 22 million off of insurance when you can kick 44?

Those poor Republicans, can't get anything done because most of them are too busy vying to be the biggest word that rhymes with basspole on the playground.  I guess the Koch Brother employees get bonuses for that kind of thing.

Unfortunately, those of us not in the billionaire class don't have free government healthcare like our senators do.  The reason is we elect a bunch of empty suits who reply to hard questions with "what would Jesus do?"

Turns out their Sunday Schools taught Jesus would cash in and let those losers sink.  That's a little different than what we learned in mine.  I'm betting in yours, too.

Senator Yertle won't have to worry about his pre-existing condition if his new healthcare law is passed.  He's got free healthcare for life.  Even if he didn't, he's a millionaire many times over and married to a billionaire's daughter.

Plus, as mentioned before, he's on the payroll.  This is the man who sold the money is speech fantasy to a bunch of people with little to none.  Then he sold it to the supreme court and now whoever has the most money speaks the loudest.

Rubles or yuan work just as well.  So his benefactors will keep him rewarded for his hard work.

One can hardly imagine a very young child named Mitch, long before he grew a thick shell and settled into the deep muck.  That child contracted polio and could easily have been crippled or worse.

But he was lucky enough to live near a very unique clinic for polio patients, a cutting edge facility for the time.  It was made possible by a non-profit organization created by the President of the United States, a man who lived with polio.

The young child would respond well to the treatment and was able to overcome a disease that crippled thousands each year.  The non-profit would become known as the March of Dimes.  The president was Franklin Roosevelt.

Today, Senator Yertle McConnell has worked tirelessly to tear down and reverse most everything the Roosevelt era accomplished.  Good thing that can't be done with World War II.

And while meeting in secret with fellow employees of the Empire, he was asked to meet with several health and patient advocacy groups.  He turned them all down because he didn't have enough time to hear their concerns while deciding what kind of tax break to give second yacht owners.

One of those groups was the March of Dimes.

How low does a person have to be to turn a deaf ear to the group that saved his life?  Low enough to rule the swamp of D.C.

The real question is when will we stop sending him to Washington to stab us in the back?