Seems everywhere you look these days someone is complaining about something somebody said. If they're not complaining about what someone said, they're complaining about what someone didn't say.
Saying things carries a lot more weight than actually doing things in many circles now, so I called up my old college pal Jess McSayin for some insight. Jess has a PhD in 1st Amendment Interpretation and a Masters in Plumbing.
I wanted his take on the Colin Kapernick controversy and other speech related stuff in the news lately. Just how free is speaking your mind
"Make no mistake SJ, the 1st Amendment guarantees that that quarterback can sit, do jumping jacks, whatever he wants while the national anthem is being played. It's a free speech issue, even though he's not saying a word."
"But what about disrespecting the flag and the troops Jess?"
"You know we didn't even HAVE a national anthem until 1931? Were we disrespecting the flag and troops when we didn't all stand up and try to sing a song that no normal human can sing? No, we weren't."
"But what about the people who are upset?"
"That's the danger, you might overshadow the point you're trying to make. His cause is just, maybe he could have picked a better way to present it. But, isn't it ironic that the same people who seem most upset he didn't stand for the Stars and Stripes were the ones arguing for flying the Confederate battle flag? I'd say waving a flag of an outlaw nation is more disrespectful than not standing for a song. But that's just my opinion and you know what they say about those."
"Opinions are what keeps plumbers in business."
"Okay, what do you think about that University of Chicago letter about safe zones and trigger warnings?
"Things have changed a lot since the days we were at dear old Centre, SJ. Universities used to encourage free expression, now young people are too sensitive to hear things they don't agree with. Some colleges have adopted areas where kids can escape to hear no ideas at all. That's a kind of safe zone that isn't Free Speech friendly. The University of Chicago was trigger warning their incoming freshman that college is a place to broaden horizons and be challenged."
"Oh, I like that. One last thing. Did you hear about the governor's threats to Democratic legislators if they didn't switch parties?"
"That's an excellent example of what isn't covered by the 1st Amendment. Threats such as that can get a guy impeached. Imagine the spectacle of Stumbo leading impeachment proceedings against Bevin. Now that's entertainment!"
We talked a little about old times, old secrets and old lies. I was about to sign off when Jess mentioned the recent news from the SETI Institute. I thought he was talking about a religious sect.
"No idiot, that's the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence...although you may have a point. But they have detected unusual radio signals from a star system 94 light years away which could be real intelligent life. Imagine that, aliens could be speaking to us. That could change everyone's outlook on free speech."
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing. Just saying..."