The burning question on people's minds this week revolved around the colors of a dress. Some say it was gold and white. Some say it was black and blue. And some people don't live in Facebookopia.
The colors of the dress, or your perception of the colors of the dress, captured a lot of imaginations out there. And I think that's a good thing. Because if that dress hadn't come along, we'd have to be talking about the little coup pulled by the Speaker of the House.
It really wasn't much, he just invited a head of state of another country to speak to a joint session of congress. Something that constitution he loves to refer to explicitly says is the job of the president. The man with the orange skin and over active water faucets in his eyes did this just so the head of another country could speak against our own president.
Let that sink in please. The leader of the worst congress in anyone with a memory's memory invited a foreign prime minister to campaign against our commander in chief. I bet Henry Clay is spinning in his grave. To say this is unprecedented would be a gross understatement. And there's more to come.
I don't want to scoop anybody here, but that is the name of the game and I've got a big shovel right here. Speaker Boner is going all in and inviting another foreign head of state. You read it here first. Expect Vlad Bareback Putin to be hailing the virtues of a Ukrania-Free Russia in the hallowed halls before year's end.
How do I know? Well I was talking shop over tequila shooters with Brian Williams and Bill O'Reilly last week and they were telling me about hanging out with Putin on a private beach in Australia last month. Vlad's gotta keep the tan going and said he'd been texting the Speaker for tips on how to keep that eternal glow on. One thing led to another and next thing he knows he's super secret scheduling a trip to DC for late fall.
So that's how I know. Who wouldn't believe O'Reilly and Williams? And sorry for spilling the beans guys. No honor among thieves, huh?
Anyway, it's funny how perceptions work isn't it? Some folks see a pretty dress and just miss an overt act of sedition right before their eyes. For a bunch that is never more than a week away from another solely self-induced crisis, this is a congressional low we haven't seen.
Do you wonder why patriots vote for these people? Perception it is.
Since you've hung in there this long, I have to tell you. I've been working on a little experiment myself. Here's another perception mindblast for you. Who needs a dress? Take a look at this column. Bet it was black and white when you started. Right?
Look again. You see it don't you? Now it's black and white and read all over.