Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is well and truly over, let's take a look at a few things that have been rattling around the echo chamber between my ears.
Georgia voters are choosing between a preacher and a guy who lives in Texas for the last remaining undecided U.S. Senate seat. Unlike in 2020, this particular race will not decide the balance of power in DC.
You might think this would be a runaway. But the minister is from Ebenezer Baptist Church, home of Martin Luther King, and many Georgia evangelicals don't consider that building a church. The guy from Texas is also the greatest Georgia Bulldog ever.
Talk about a clash of religions! Logic aside, this one is too close to call.
Speaking of sports and religion, there's something I need to get off my chest. The last two Kentucky basketball games could only be watched on paid streaming. Watching most other Kentucky games requires a cable subscription.
I get having to buy a ticket to watch a game at the arena. But Kentucky taxpayers pay for the University of Kentucky. No school, no basketball. Why are we forced to pay to watch the games on television? Those commercials you're inundated with pay for the broadcasts.
Residents of the commonwealth should never have to pay to watch UK games on TV. We pay for the school, we should be thanked with free broadcasts. If it's a funding problem, I can think of two coaches who could take a 15% pay cut to ensure ALL Kentuckians can worship...I mean watch their favorite team.
Got money? The richest guy in the world recently purchased the bumper sticker of social media apps. I've never been a Twitter fan and can count the number of tweets I've posted on one hand. I recently deleted my account along with a few million other deep thinkers.
Watching Elon Musk twist in the wind as he realizes he spent 44 billion dollars on a glorified billboard that has never made money is pretty enjoyable. For Musk, free speech really means the right to lie and misinform. He proves it with every other post.
Head Twit is right on the mark.
Finally, Friday is my mother's 88th birthday. Unfortunately for her, she bore 3 sons and no daughters, so she's stuck with me.
Mom touched a lot of people as a nurse and as a Sunday School teacher here in Elkhorn. She became one of the first women coal miners because nurses made nothing in the 70s. She had the voice of an angel and the humility of a saint in her younger days.
Like most who live this long, she's lost most of her peers and family to time. While confusion clouds her mind now, the old sense of humor is still there and a spark in her eyes when memories focus. I'll remind her with a candle on a cupcake.
If you knew her, thank you for the birthday wishes. I'll ask for a little prayer as the inevitability of time marches forward. We'll both appreciate that.