Where to start...where to start? Some weeks you need a seven sided quarter.
We could start at the bottom and work our way up. That's the right choice when you've got the hip-waders handy.
Or soar straight to the summit and slowly slide to the cellar. It just takes a mighty leap to get started.
At the most expensive amusement park on earth, summiteers litter the landscape trying to get on and off Mount Everest. Their bodies, some still clipped to guide ropes, are frozen testaments to the lethal cocktail of blind ego and money to burn.
On the positive side, sherpas hail the tourism boom in the Himalayas. Cash drunk summitteers pay up front and that's what matters.
Speaking of cash drunk, Senator Yertle said he'd gladly fill a Supreme Court seat before the 2020 election, proving once again there's no crest to the level of hypocricy that mad turtle can't achieve standing on the backs of Kentuckians.
You remember he refused to consider Obama's pick in January 2016 claiming election year. It didn't matter that every election year supreme court vacancy in our history had been filled by the sitting president. In Yertle's world, there are no rules to limit the unconstitutional actions of his party and we have proven we don't care.
In Yertle's world individual rights are bought by billionaires, everyone else is out of luck. Especially women. Yertle really doesn't like women and his party really doesn't either. So they make extra laws that keep women in their place like good breeding stock.
Southern states under der Trumper have lined up to restrict voting rights for Americans and health rights for women. In thanks, his treasury has delayed putting a woman who guided escaped slaves to freedom on the twenty dollar bill.
The treasury was scheduled to put the Harriet Tubman twenty out in 2020. It was a decision made during the Obama administration with actual wide spread public input and approval.
But Cadet BoneSpurs only marches to the Hell No We Ain't Fergettin' drum and the good ole boys eat that stuff up. You think a guy who led the Obama birth certificate hoax is going to have a slave freeing black woman on one of his bills?
Not on your life he won't.
As if any of our lives actually matters to the Cheetoh. What matters to him is the sound of cash registers as he and his self-serving family make bank on the American people. Do you think that matters to the trumpets?
Of course not! He deserves his ill-gotten gain and it's nobody's right to know where a president made his money, unless he's a Democrat.
It doesn't matter to them that he's flipping the FBI invistigation into Russian election interference into a coup attempt. When Cadet Bonespurs accuses someone else of treason a thinking person's head could explode. But not the fine parishioners of the Temple of Trump.
The Temple of Trumpets don't want a democracy or a republic. They don't want courts. They don't want a legislature. Their savior can do it all.
Except get to the top of Everest. The line up there is around the block.