Sunday is April Fools Day and Easter at the same time. There's a meme for that.
I'm particularly fond of of the one where Jesus steps out of the tomb and gets a pie in the face. That's classic stuff right there.
Some might say you're on slippery ground pranking on resurrection day, but step into my clown shoes for a minute. Who doesn't laugh at videos of the slip and fall?
I just hope one of my Sunday go to meeting friends would take advantage of the rare opportunity and drop whoopie cushions on the pews. Or maybe an Easter bonnet with beer holders and a sipping tube.
Maybe we better stop there, before we get too far down the rabbit hole. These days, the Easter Bunny is carrying an Armalite Rifle and he's having flashbacks of when people carried a rabbit's foot for good luck.
Naturally, he's up in arms about the March for our Lives. You'll have to pry that gun from his cold dead foot, which won't bring you good luck so don't even think about it.
Like his buddies at the NRA, that's New Russian America for those of you not following the money, Mr. E. Bunny wants those darn meddling kids to get off his lawn.
Seeing how the NRA owns Washington, DC, maybe they've got a point. Because there were about 200,000 meddlers trampling the grass in that city alone. A whole lot more if you count the hundreds of other places holding March for our Lives events.
You'd think someone with ears like that would hear what the young folks were saying. But no matter how loud they shout "do something, we're your kids", all he hears is "we're coming for your guns".
The idea of making high capacity magazines and military grade weapons a lot harder for crazy people to get their hands on has made a lot of old white guys, aka people who look like me, lose their minds. It's so insulting for mere teenagers to point out to us "there's nothing can be done" is not an acceptable answer.
By the way, the other well known Easter protagonist, the one mentioned above with pie on his face, would be marching with the kids. If there's any doubt of that, go read the red words. If your preacher tells you different, find another preacher, because he's been throwing pie.
He'd probably point out what might help most would be taking better care of the sick in this country. But the NRA's against that, too.
There wasn't a March for our LIves event in Elkhorn City, but that doesn't mean someone isn't shouting get off my lawn kid here, too.
One of the original Kentucky Trail Towns has become the first Kentucky Hit the Trail Town. We've managed to run off the hikers, the runners, the boaters, and the musicians in the last few years.
So now we're not having those kids and their MTV come in here and, as the mayor said, "make us look stupid."
Indeed. As a wise--and big--man once said, "Believe me, we do a good enough job of that ourselves."