It's Thursday, you should be bowing in the direction of the White House right now. Didn't you get the memo?
A Facebook acquaintance of mine says the Republican memo proves that the Democrats and the FBI and the DOJ and Obama and Hillary and the entire state of Vermont are colluding with the Russians. He says it completely vindicates Trump.
I should mention that same acquaintance brags that he gets all his news from YouTube.
I guess the lineup of Republican Senators and Congressman refuting the Nunes memo this weekend hadn't made it to YouTube as of Tuesday. At least not his favorite YouTube channel.
For those of you who don't know what a Nunes is, there is a very accurate illustration in the dictionary under weasel. Nunes is a former concierge at a Trump Hotel who got himself elected to congress from California's most Republican district.
Nunes is a Trumpet in high standing. His nose is orange and his mouth is full of words that are rarely true. But he believes them like all good Trumpets and that's all that matters. Especially the ones that blow up his exalted leader.
We love irony here at Paddling Upstream, so the aroma of law and order Republicans attacking the FBI is downright intoxicating. Watching them go after Comey and Mueller, both Republicans, as pawns of the Democrats is pure entertainment.
Those of you with really long memories will remember the Comey surprise, a re-opening of the Hillary email investigation, a week before the election. I know, that was a long time ago. Ancient history in Trump land and certainly not what helped him make up a 10 point deficit in the polls.
Trumpets don't acknowledge this, because it isn't nearly as serious as all that election fraud there's no evidence of.
See? Further proof the FBI is in bed with the D's. They destroyed the evidence.
So back to the memo. Maybe I should say memos. Because the Ds in the House of Representatives have a memo of their own. Unfortunately, it has to be cleared by the White House to make sure there's no top secret information.
Anybody want to bet on the outcome of that?
The last memo is the one that filtered around NewsCorp to make sure the lapdogs at Fox News would talk about how un-American the Democrats were for not standing and applauding every time Cadet Bone Spurs spoke. That's the most effective memo in this memo filled column. Because within a few hours every Trumpet on social media was meme-ing how downright un-American and probably even treasonous the Democrats were. Pretty soon, even their messiah was on board.
That would be Trump, not Hannity. Hannity's just the messenger, like John the Baptist. Except not.
Well, you know, in the year's 1-8 BT (Before Trump), there is speculation the very Russians, I mean Republicans making these suggestions were themselves sitting on their hands during the President's speech. Really old people might remember a shout of "you lie" in the middle of a SOTU address.
But, of course, that's different. The guy giving that address wasn't orange.