You're fired. Hand over your security badge and key to the executive sauna. Collect your personal items from your office and go.
All you had to do was beat a reality TV star, a known huckster with more dirty laundry than the combined population of China and India, a guy who'll turn your dollar into a dime every time he makes a "deal."
But here we are.
I bet you're whining over how many bigots there must be in Ohio. Or how many people who got shut out of the polls in North Carolina. Or that the America people are stupider than you thought.
This is why you have to go. You obviously don't get it.
You were sitting in the middle of a revolution, in the middle of a popular uprising against the establishment. You were so busy making fun of the opposition's self-destruction that you completely missed the smoke boiling out of your own windows.
Instead of seeing what was happening, you ran the most Washington establishment politician of our time, the tallest lightning rod on the building. When your ranks were growing by leaps and bounds thanks to the revolution candidate, you grabbed the lightning rod with both hands.
Now you're shocked you got beat.
Yes, she was capable and yes, she has done a lot of good work. But she's been the most polarizing figure in American politics for twenty years. Only 8 years ago, she was beaten within the party. This year she might have been if someone's thumb hadn't been on the scales.
It's obvious you have no idea what is going on in your own country.
If you did, do you really think over 40% of women voters would have pulled the lever for the Grabber-in-Chief? Do you think 53% of voters over 65 would go with the guy who wants to kill social security? How about losing a state that's gone for your candidate the previous six presidential elections?
It's the economy stupid. Remember that one? No and how ironic.
The former president Clinton was elected on that mantra. Unfortunately, by his second term he and you had fallen for the banks and Wall Street. The party of the people abandoned most of the people.
It didn't happen overnight, but it did happen and you didn't even notice. Now it appears most of what's left of the middle class has abandoned you.
The sad thing is, you had your chance. Anyone with eyes could see what was happening, but you were too busy drinking craft beers and listening to Springsteen.
Listening but not hearing. If you actually heard him, you'd understand. But you're tone deaf.
So try to hear this. Leave. We are replacing you with real people who have run a business, worked a hard job, or actually collaborated with people.
That last part is key. Anyone can tell people what they think works but very few are willing to work with people to find what works for them.
In a year when Americans were screaming for change, you doubled down on more of the same.
You lost the White House, the Congress, and most sadly, the Supreme Court, when you should have won them all. It will take another whole generation to undo the damage of your incompetence. If ever.
You're fired. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.