Through December

If we make it through December, things are going to be alright I know.  Merle knew an earworm when he wrote it.

Haggard's timeless classic tune is in my head a lot these days, more so than the usual December fare. His message of relentless optimism in the face of rough circumstance bolsters my spirit.

Right now, my spirit needs to be bolstered, upbolstered and reupbolstered.  Is one of those a word?

It's the coldest time of winter and I shiver when I see the falling snow.

Right, right, this isn't literally true.  Everyone knows the coldest time of winter in Kentucky is February. Or was that November? Whichever, December is rarely when the temperatures are lowest in the season anymore.  We're in the sixties this weekend.

But have you read the news lately? Cold doesn't begin to capture things. I started to make a list but we only have a column. We'd need a two volume set to include all the scary things going on around the country and the world. Not to mention right here at home. So figuratively, I think he's right on.

Got plans to be in a warmer town come summertime. 

If by warmer he means a place where compassion and care outweigh spite and indifference, then I'm right there with him. Problem is, if you believe the news, those places are few and far between on this particular planet.

Maybe even California, if we make it through December we'll be fine.

I'm kind of hoping to hit California at the end of January, but I'll go with his sentiment.  You have to remember Merle was from California and in 1972, California was still land of opportunity and not a the state of wildfires, mudslides and drought.

December is never easy.  The holidays in December can spin out religious intolerance, economic hardship and unrealistic expectations within families and relationships.  You may not believe this, but not everybody will have a brand new Lexus in the driveway on Christmas.

December is the month all the major religions have significant holidays. But this year, it seems intolerance is the aspiration of too many believers. 

In the middle east, jews and muslims cannot tolerate each other. In India, hindus can't tolerate muslims.  In eastern Europe, atheists can't tolerate christians. In America, christians can't tolerate...well, anybody.  They're proving it by randomly killing jews, muslims and each other.  They can't tolerate government either, unless they run it.

On the home front, I can tolerate a lot.  I've taken on a job that few of us want and I plan on seeing it through. Tolerance and understanding is the only way to do the job right. There's no easy to it.

That's why tolerance is one of those things Jesus taught. You better have it or nothing will ever get better.

If we can just get through this crazy month, it'll all be okay.  That's what the tune reminds me, it's what the words say to me, it's what I want to believe because believing something else makes life too crushing to go on.

Thanks for helping Merle.