I'm not sure about much of anything. But I am sure we live in a green world.
Rolling into the end of April our forested hills have redressed themselves once again. With splashes of scarlet, white, violet and yellow, the million shades of clover dominate everything in all directions but straight up here in the shadow of the Breaks.
Just two or three weeks back, the hillsides were still mostly bare. Then the greening. It's runny noses and sore throats and sneezing up and down the street since. Some of those April showers would sure help clear the air. Maybe by the time you read this we'll get some.
That lovely sound you've heard since Monday is not the hysterical voices of two of cable TV's more notorious talking heads. Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon were fired by their respective cable news networks last Monday. This is the kind of spring cleaning we could all use a little more of.
Full disclosure here, I never watched either of those two blowhards or their respective shows. I do not watch cable news in any form except the weather channel. Jim Cantori never told me who to vote for. Floods don't have an opinion.
But I digress.
These two sold from different ends of the junk food aisle but they shared a common goal. That was to raise your blood pressure, to make you mad. They were anger merchants and those people will shorten your life. The more anger merchants that are shown the door in TV and radio the better off this country will be.
Speaking of anger merchants, there's more and more of them in politics. A strong one is running for governor if you've been watching the tv ads. Like most anger merchants, this one is carpet bombing the air waves with made up tales. Most billionaires live in a different world but I think this one didn't need the money to find a world far far away from normal.
The good news is the primary with three dozen candidates will be over in a couple of weeks. More spring cleaning. Those crazy ads will probably be history. But not definitely, crazy is gaining ground after all. At least in one party.
But enough of crazy and anger merchants. Spring has sprung and I'm in a good mood. Let's celebrate the things that aren't crazy and make us complete.
Over the last six months I've been devoting most of my time caring for a wonderful elderly parent. Many of you know this role and you all have my deepest respect. This isn't easy in the best circumstances.
That's why I want to call attention to a service and group of people that get no recognition but keep on delivering. My mother gets hot lunches four days a week from Meals on Wheels. She loves them because that's one meal a day I won't burn and that she hasn't already had every day that week.
We live in a green world. In a perfect world, more green would go to services like Meals on Wheels and the team at the Elkhorn City Senior Citizen's Center.