When You See It

Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once famously wrote in a case before the court, and we're paraphrasing here, "I may not be able to adequately define what obscenity is.  But I know it when I see it and this ain't it."

It should be noted the honorable Mr. Stewart was a solid conservative Republican of his time. He was appointed to the court by Dwight Eisenhower and he later gave the oath of office to President George H.W. Bush.

The justice would probably be pretty surprised to learn Michelangelo's David, perhaps the most famous sculpture in history, is porn.  At least that's what a couple of members of the Upright Citizen's Brigade Florida Chapter declared leading to the firing of an elementary school principal who had the audacity to teach sixth graders about classical art.

David may be depicted nude, as youth were in the classic tradition, but it sure isn't obscene.  If anything, it's kind of funny.  Legend has it Michelangelo had an issue with his model and left him a permanent message. Thus the statue has just one little shortcoming.

The Kentucky Chapter of the Upright Citizen's Brigade, also known as Frankfort, got in on the action this week. No, they didn't do anything about school shootings.  They didn't address bullying. They're after something far more obscene than those minor annoyances.

Our legislature is saving our youth from drag.  There'll be no boys dressing as girls or girls dressing as boys.  Not in plays, in movies, on television, at Halloween, or any other place a young person might see them. Individuals can be arrested.  Establishments fined.  Self-expression is criminalized. 

Now there's a law only the thought police could love.

Justice Potter and I both know obscene when we see it and drag ain't it.  Lord knows these things aren't obscene and Lord knows these things pose no harm to our youth.  I'm going to say that again, Lord knows.

All those deep thinkers in Frankfort who voted to override the governor's veto on SB 150 go out of their way to claim to be Christians. Half of them will tell you they make their laws to glorify the lord.

They may belong to churches, but that's not really the same thing. I may not be able to define exactly what a Christian is, but I know one when I see one.  None of those privileged elected who voted yes to override the governor's veto look like a follower of Christ to me.

The only person in this sad story I see living the red letters is the governor who is vilified by Republicans for caring for the poor, for standing up for the weak, for believing all Kentuckians matter, not just the ones who look like him.

But you know what?  Those red letters say "judge not lest ye be judged". I don't claim to be a Christian but I do try to follow the teachings of Jesus as best I can. I'm not perfect and I make no claims.

So best for me to quit. It's just too bad more legislators in Frankfort don't get that.