Whole 'Nother World

The cliche is "it feels like I've woken up in a new world this morning."  Problem is I haven't been asleep, the neighbors kept me up all night celebrating.

I'm not sure what to think.  It's been a long electoral dry spell for left leaning common taters like me. Celebration has been rare on the first Wednesday in November in years.

But here we are. Let's look at the biggest surprise.

Sometime in the near future someone will buy the first legal beer in Elkhorn City in almost 70 years.  I admit I never thought I'd write that sentence.

Only ten years ago the Nos in Elkhorn outnumbered the Yesses nearly 3 to 1. This week the Yesses outnumbered Nos by a comfortable margin.

There have been a lot of changes in Elkhorn in ten years. It'd be hard to point to any good ones unless you believe going backwards is a sign of success. Many of our residents didn't.

They voted for the future by embracing our obvious potential as a popular destination for outdoor adventurers, theater lovers, and heritage seekers. They gave hope to existing businesses and to entrepreneurs who want to start businesses.

I hope Meat gets that first beer.  But if he doesn't, maybe the mayor will hoist one for the cameras.  Toasting our future would be a welcome departure from cursing it.

The less surprising result from Tuesday is I won't have Governor Granite to chip away at for very much longer.  His reaction to the loss isn't surprising at all.

While Matt is in denial and his personal Guiliani's look for a way to erase a 5100 vote deficit, let's talk about what should be surprising about the governor's election.

And that, my friends, is the narrowness of Beshear's victory.  Governor Granite alienated nearly every faction in the state. For most of his term, he was the most unpopular governor in the country.  He barely won his primary as the incumbent.

Still nearly 49% of voters stood up for one of the most sanctimonious jerks ever to hold statewide office.  And sanctimonious jerk is the kindest and most honest description you could make of the New Hampshire carpetbagger.

Of course he's going to contest the outcome, claim there were irregularities in the voting, insist votes are illegimitate. That's what self-absorbed cretins do.  He didn't lose, he was robbed.

Funny how the biggest crooks always claim they were victimized. It's the Trumpet way.

So we'll have to wait a few days for it to be official. It's a good thing states don't have electoral colleges, but never underestimate the Republican party's ability to overcome the popular will.

They're trying to figure it out as we speak.

In the meantime, I'm going to bask in this most unusual of days after election day.  My candidate for governor won, my local option for progress won, the sun is shining bright.

And when I open my eyes from this nap I'm about to take, it'll feel like I've woken up in a whole new world.