The warm sunny days here in the latter half of March have some trees ready to pop. The tips of the branches are taking on the burnt orange glow of budding leaves.
Meat and I have been counter betting when the first redbud will bloom over the Russell Fork. He said today, but I think he's early.
Maybe a little freeze will do the trick. Who knows?
It's March in the hills and it'll be a sunny 75 Wednesday and snowing Thursday morning. If you don't like the weather here you just don't like weather says Meat.
It's one of the few things he says on a regular basis I readily agree with.
The coming spring is always a wonderful time and, I gotta say, this one is stacking up to be wonderfuller than most. That's right I typed wonderfuller.
We highly paid wisenheimer know-it-alls are going to be coming up with all sorts of splendiferous spew in these unbelievably fertile times. Proper verbage and traditional sentence structures probably can't express the level of mind blowage many of us were feeling even before Ted Cruz announced a run for the white house.
That item is absolutely cubacanadalicious!
Like the explosion of spring blossoms, the onslought of the 24/7 entertainment conglomerate we call our political system can be overwhelming. It makes people like me giddy but just gives others stuffy noses and teary eyes. But the warm weather and constant laughs are worth the headaches, aren't they?
Aren't they?
I posed the question to Meat and his response was exactly what I should have expected if I hadn't been so over-stimulated by the sunlight and lowlight of the day.
"I don't see what's so dang funny about a great American wanting to run for president. He ain't no foreigner like your man Obummer."
"But Meat, Cruz was born in Canada."
"That sounds like something the pinko liberal media would say. I say he was born in America, that's my opinion and a man is entitled to his opinion. You can keep yer dang facts to yourself. Ted don't need them and I don't either. When he gets elected he's going to repeal Obamacare and climate change and that's enough for me."
"Well Meat, about Obamacare. Looks like Cruz signed up."
That was just the mind blowage Meat wasn't ready for. I shouldn't have thrown it out there like that. Meat's type might be ready for spring, but the facty kind of stuff often just wallers him out. He quietly got up and started back over toward his house. But when he hit his porch, he wheeled around with a grin on his face.
"O yeah, SJ, I forgot to ask you. We've got a prayer breakfast next month with the interfaith orphan relief council. I hear that Duck Dynasty guy has a great lesson for welcoming non-believing families into your neighborhood. I can get the video. What do you think?"
"I don't know Meat. Feels like a little chill in the breeze. It feels a little chill."