
Sometimes I just want to say "ouch".  Like when I read the idiot hiding in the weeds has a last name one letter removed from mine.

To avoid confusion I don't need, ouch, out, pout and scout are how that guy's last name should be pronounced.  Most talking heads on broadcast media got it right, but I heard a few locals who pronounced the name like mine. It's spelled R-O-U-T-H. Rhymes with south.

I said it, I'll say it again.  Political violence is always the wrong answer. If murder is all you can come up with, idiot is all I can come up with.  There's far too many reasons to type but the last one: Making martyrs never wins in politics.

Something that does win in politics is simply doing the right thing for people. Andy Beshear's executive order banning conversion therapy in the state protects vulnerable young people from charlatans and false prophets peddling religious quackery.  There's nothing to convert.

In the order, Andy is acknowledging anything referred to as therapy in our state should be based in science and licensed practice, not blind religious dogma.  He's also acknowledging we're all god's children which, in my sunday school memories, is as basic dogma as you got.

The governor had to acknowledge those two points because the Republican controlled state legislature didn't want to.  The state Attorney General will probably take the governor to court for doing the right thing.

Speaking of doing the right thing, the Federal Reserve's cut of the prime interest rate is a great sign for the economy.  Inflation continues to come down and the jolt will maintain strong employment.  Just don't let them fool you that it's all good for the little guy. Sure, credit cards, car loans, and mortgages will be cheaper for us.

The real winner is the big fish who let their own money earn interest and borrow large sums to operate and invest.  Their financing savings will be in the 7 to 8 figure territory.

The only reason I could imagine a billionaire would be against an interest rate cut like this is because no commercial bank will loan them any money anyway.

Sources tell me the rate cut was larger than expected thanks to the discovery of the secret baby oil reserves in PDiddy's cellar, which effectively doubles the world's known supply.  Kind of hard to believe, if you ask me, but the sources were well lubricated, so I thought they might have inside knowledge.

Maybe the best piece of knowledge rolling across the screen I saw this week is that, nationwide, overdoses and overdose deaths have plummeted in the last year.  In Kentucky alone, there has been an 18% decrease in opioid related overdoses.  Nationwide, it's 20,000 people who are alive today.

The numbers don't explain exactly why the drop in overdose and mortality rates have occurred. Contributing factors include the availability of narcan, pressure on cartels to stop fentanyl, the end of the pandemic, and wider availability of programs that treat addiction and dependency. Most likely, its all the above and more.

Here's to the 20,000 and those whose efforts helped keep them here.