I heard a line today that has me thinking so I'm going to share. Maybe it'll get you thinking, too.
You've got to pay what you weigh.
The line came from one of my favorite cable talking heads, Jalen Rose. Some of you older types might remember Jalen as the point guard of Michigan's Fab Five who couldn't beat Duke either. He went on to have a lengthy pro career and, among other good things, started a charter school in his hometown of Detroit that today has a sterling graduation rate and college admission record. These days he pontificates on sports and other important things on ESPN.
It came when Jalen was getting grief from cohorts for getting one hundred dollar haircuts. Evidently, that's what he gives for a trim. His barber even travels with him when he's on location.
I'm willing to bet very few males reading this pay $100 for a haircut. And probably most of you are thinking, like I did before he replied, that's insane.
Then Jalen, who you probably remember as a tall skinny 18 year old with black socks and shaved head, explained.
First of all, he's on television. You've got to look your best and knowing your hair is right breeds confidence. And that is really the most important trait for a tv talking head.
Then his explanation expanded a bit. I'm paraphrasing here, but Jalen is not an idiot. He knows very few people can afford to pay $100 for a haircut and he's not saying that's what people should do. But...and here's where it gets interesting...you've got to appreciate the people who provide a service. A barber, a waitress, a valet, maid service...these are individuals working hard to make things better for you. And when it comes to service, people should pay what they weigh.
Marinate on that for a minute.
The weight isn't your body it's your wallet. His meaning was simple. If you've been blessed with wealth, spread your blessings. And definitely take care of the people who take care of you.
It's worth noting here that once upon a time our tax system was based on this simple idea. Heck, once upon a time, this was one of the dominant axioms of Christianity.
But today people who make millions a year pay lower tax rates than people who barely make $40,000. That's the economic plan of one party. A country where Warren Buffet pays taxes at a lower rate than his secretary is a country in the wrong place.
Corporations are making record profits while Americans can't afford a place to live. But there's not a single Republican suggesting a windfall profits tax while all of them want to cut benefits to seniors, the poor and veterans.
No billionaire that got that way all alone. Wealth is built on the efforts of others.
I don't have Jalen Rose's money, but I believe in pay what you weigh. I can't find a single red letter encouraging us to hoard our blessings. Count them. Share them.
There's always someone who needs a blessing more than you.