Cut the Cult

One month after the national election and we know the results. What we don't know is what the death cult will do next to change them.

Most states have certified their results at this point, including the six Uncle Scam's toadies have attempted to change.  In the normal United States, there would be an inauguration on January 20 and Joe Biden would be taking the oath.

But the death cult long ago declared war on normal United States.  Your parent's Republican party abandoned principles and love of country long ago as it was taken over by ultra-conservatives, religious extemists, and neo-confederates longing for the glory days of slavery. These groups care less for democracy than dingleberries.

Remember when the party believed in fiscal responsibility?  They've created the largest deficit in the history of the country with tax cuts for billionaires.  Remember when the party believed in a strong defence?  They abandoned  military bases so the Russians could have them.  Remember when they were the party of laws? Laws are for the common people, not the chosen ones.

Let's start at the "top".  Identifying the top of a toxic dump might be difficult, but we all know the turtle rules the swamp.  Yertle McConnell is yet to acknowledge Biden as the president-elect and has supported the Donald challenging election results that are clear to anyone who understands what a fact is.

Yertle is way too focused on stealing a couple of elections in Georgia next month to do anything important like supporting the population in a national emergency, much less congratulate the winner. 

His buddy Cadet Bonespurs will tell you only losers congratulate winners.

On down the line, Republicans more loyal to a would be dictator than a country act as if the election results are still in question. They act as if the Oval Office Fraud they prostrate themselves to will still by in office January 21.

It isn't only elections the Death Cult are in denial about.  They'd prefer you risk your health in a pandemic rather than risk the flow of cash their sponsors provide.  They could care less that your public school child misses days, but woe unto anyone if any of their indoctrination centers have to shutter a few days.

Let's be clear, religious schools are not exempt from pandemic or politicization. What makes them more special than the public school in the neighborhood?


Death cult members are so out of sorts since the election, they're even going after their own team.  Ohio Republicans have actually brought up articles of impeachment against a Republican governor for following science in the pandemic.  Of course, one could argue someone who follows science isn't really on the same team as the flat earthers who've brought the suit.

Our own in Kentucky are doing their best to make sure we have as many virus victims as possible.  The Kentucky Attorney Genimpostor has done everything he knows to fight our governor in the name of the Death Cult and his sugar daddy in D.C.

Luckily, the governor is a real attorney and, usually, a real attorney will beat the one who plays one on TV.