The chosen Cheetoh has been revealed. I've got a bad taste in my mouth.
The delusional and deplorables out there have finally gotten the words they've been longing for from the only source they need--the man himself.
Although maybe he's not a man at all but the savior in human form. That's been the whisper of gun toting preachers and struggling billionaires all along. And now he's confirmed it himself right there on the front lawn of the White House.
"I am the chosen one."
The location of his pronouncement was symbolic for the worshippers of the blonde haired blue eyed MAGA Jesus. Those of us who still lean toward the Palestinian love your neighbor Jesus aren't so sure.
But for those who believe 'if He types it, it must be true', the time has come to rejoice. They've been longing for the one who will bring back the noble cause and put all those dark skinned people in their place.
The racists, sexists, xenophobes, bigots and religious extremists--the deplorables--wouldn't have it any other way.
He put the white back in the White House, he's building a wall to keep the wrong people out, and he's appointed a rack of judges guaranteed to make sure corporations and churches write the laws that they'll never have to follow.
Unfortunately, one of the billionaires who has been buying politicians and writing laws for decades was unable to beat that one unbreakable rule.
No one here gets out alive. David Koch come on down!
Koch and his brother are the reason so many people are man made climate change deniers. He paid for the phony scientists, the phony studies, and the misinformation campaigns that spread doubt about the very real scientific facts that show we caused, and can reverse, the warming of the planet.
Koch owned oil refineries, he owned vast properties filled with oil, he owned senators and representatives, and he owned governors. Right Matt?
Thanks to David Koch's spending, people like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan made sure the family keeps its wealth. Besides several rounds of tax cuts for corporations and billionaires, they gave him the dynasty preserving loophole.
Here's a simple explanation: Stocks and bonds are taxed based on capital gains, in other words if you buy a stock for $10 and sell it for $20, you pay taxes on the $10 increase. The base value was $10 with a $10 profit. If David Koch sold these stocks the day before he died, he'd pay. But when he died, the base value of those same stocks became their current value. The actual capital gains are zeroed out.
The inheritors can sell tomorrow and owe nothing in taxes.
If Trump is the Chosen One, David Koch was the chooser. The Kochs opposed the Donald which would have been fatal to the candidacy. But the self-serving Donald made a simple deal. Back me and I'll put your employees in cabinet positions, I'll put your lawyers on the bench, and I'll claim climate change was made up by the Chinese.
David Koch knew a good deal when he saw it.