Trumpet Twister

 I'm not sure what's scarier, Cadet BoneSpurs' public groveling before Putin or the Trumpet apologists' Twister contortions to explain it away.

Left hand red!  "My state's red, his country's red, how bad can Putin really be?"

Right foot blue! "We should thank Russia for saving us from the Godless Communist LIberals."

Left foot mouth! "Mmmmff mmmmff birth certificate."

Grab your timer my friends and see how long it takes the unfortunate delusional sociopath to land on "At least Hillary's not president."

Just to be clear, in the same seven day period that 12 Russians were indicted for interfering with our elections the Fraud in the Oval Office stated, in public, he believed the Russian Thug in Chief over our own Intelligence and Justice departments.

Can you imagine Barack Obama or Ronald Reagan or any other president in our history choosing our most serious rival over our own agencies?  Unless you're living in a delusional world cultivated by Faux News and InfoWars, you probably can't.

But the Trumpet is determined.  If you spend any time on that abomination of media socialization called FaceBook, you're still dealing daily with some poor befuddled dope sharing memes of Democrats shaking hands with Putin as if that's somehow the same as than their heart-throb's public butt kissing of the guy who handed him the White House.

Then they'll self-medicate with a video claiming Obama's going to be charged with a thousand counts of not being white by Congress next week.  Or maybe the week after next.

The funny thing is the memes and videos they share are still coming from the Russian troll factory.  Trolls never sleep while Zuckerberg makes billions.

But he'll take care of the trolls before the midterms.

The very clear question now for the Donald is would he or wouldn't he sell out his mother, daughter and NATO for his own gain.  The correct answer is he would and wouldn't see a reason not to.

Of course, the real thing here might not be what he wouldn't see but what he did see.  He spent a large amount of time alone but for translators with Putin. 

Who knows what happend?  What was said and what was shown?

Early money says old buddy Vladimir showed Herr Trump some video and it put the fear in him.  Imagine what a troll factory could do with that!

I'm not talking about those lurid videos mentioned in British intelligence reports.  Those wouldn't scare him, his followers would just say that's just the way he is.  He can handle another divorce.

No, the videos he's worried about are the ones that spell out, in minute detail, that word he loves to say there's none of in every discussion of Russian election interference.

The No Collusion drinking game ends in vomit on the walls every time.

GEICO doesn't sell collusion insurance.  Progressive or State Farm don't either. Collusion is treason and impeachment is the final episode of this particular reality show.

Trumpets will have a hard time playing Twister with that one.