What could be more appropriate for Hillbilly Days than ginning up a good family feud? No, I'm not pounding keys about the Hatfields and McCoys. Their feuding days are 100 years past.
Today's feud is in real time and will be televised. It's a reality TV world and our all too real Governor Bevin has decided to declare war on the Beshears. Some of you might recall one of them was the last governor actually born, raised and educated in the commonwealth. Of Kentucky.
Let's call it the Bevin-Beshear Boondoggle.
It all started a few months ago when current governor Granite threatened to kill former governor Beshear's prize pig. But instead of killing it, he cut off it's legs and left it rolling in the mud.
After it rolled around for a while, the new governor, who thinks Dawson Springs was a TV show 'back in the day', had wheels attached where the legs used to be. He called it streamlining.
The former governor responded by saying mean things about 'that Yankee' on his Facebook page. Bevin countered with a YouTube selfie. For a month, Beshear wrote letters to the editor.
A couple of weeks ago, our esteemed current governor decided the legislative process is not really his thing and declared an across the board cut in the current higher education budget. Our newly elected state Attorney General, who by odd coincidence is also named Beshear said 'oh no you didn't' and threatened a lawsuit if the governor didn't rescind the order in seven days.
We don't call him Governor Granite for nothing. His head his hard and his heart is harder and the order remained. After Beshear the Younger filed his lawsuit last week, Granite went full feudal this week.
In an outstanding example of the pot calling the kettle black, the current administration accused the previous administration of 'questionable activities'. Bevin said he'd hire a special investigator to make up a whole lot of stuff and pretend like it happened.
Beshear the Elder responded with more mean things on Facebook. While no shots have been fired as of this writing, no telling what's happened by the time you've read this. One can only hope.
I know what you're thinking. It don't sound much like the good old feud days, does it. Besides the prize pig, where's the drama? Where's the romance? Nobody's been shot, nobody's son has run off with the enemy's daughter, there hasn't even been a hanging.
What this feud really needs is a duel. Imagine the TV ratings? That alone should attract Governor Granite out of the shadows. Video is the MattMan's catnip. And I bet Beshear the Elder would gladly take one for the team. He's not running for any more offices...is he?
The Kentucky elected office oath against feuding might make Bevin hesitate, you can tell he likes the mansion. But he's got his eyes set a lot higher than governor of Kentucky.
What better way to get a commentator's chair on Faux News than by winging a former high ranking Democrat. You've got to admire a man with goals.