March Comes in Like a Lyin...

The old adage of March coming in like a lion was not weather influenced this year.  March 1st was a 65 degree blue sky day, not very lion like in the meteorological or mythical sense.  All the roaring this week has been in the realm of current events.

Starting with good news, astronaut Scott Kelly returned to earth after 340 days on the International Space Station with a pair of Russian cosmonauts. While several Russians have spent over a year in space, this is the longest continuous space time for an American.

Kelly was ecstatic to be back on land, even welcoming the bitter cold of Kazakhstan where the capsule landed. He couldn't wait to get back to nature, he said. Unfortunately, his enthusiasm was short lived.  He booked a return flight to the space station after seeing the results from Super Tuesday.

The superness of Tuesday is surely in the eye of the beholder. Personally,  I've never thought just throwing 13 primaries on one day qualifies.

But I'm sure the Donald would say it was Uber, especially if he could get it in a Mussolini quote.

The revolution may not be televised, but the train wreck billed as the Republican primaries sure are. When the brain trust at Faux News dreamed up the T Party six years ago, they didn't realize the T would one day stand for Trump.

Who'd have ever guessed a made by TV political movement would eventually embrace a reality TV star as it's favorite presidential candidate? Let's have a show of hands, please.  The Trump Klux Klan Karnival is must-see TV!

On the other side, Hillary is ahead of Bernie in nothing but delegates which is the one thing she needs to win the nomination.  She's still not inevitable, but she is pretty formidable.  It's a very interesting race, but it just doesn't have that circular firing squad feel like the GOP's.

With that in mind, Senator McTurtle promised to both block Obama from nominating a Supreme Court justice and to oppose his party's nominee for president if his initial's are DT.  If nothing else, this proves Yertle takes all his cues from Cartman on South Park.

Finally, this whirlwind of a week saw the death of one of the leading generals in the War on Coal.  My bet is hardly a word will be mentioned around here because it doesn't fit the convenient political narrative. To recognize Aubrey McClendon would require admitting the war started before Obama ever got elected.

Aubrey McClendon was the CEO of Chesapeake Energy, the champion of natural gas who spearheaded the fracking explosion of the late 90s into the turn of the century. Beginning in 2005, he donated millions to the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign to promote natural gas over coal as a source of clean energy.  That campaign resulted in lawsuits forcing the EPA to enforce the Clean Air Act.

But since this all happened long before Obama was elected president, I'm betting you won't be hearing about Mr. McClendon and the real War on Coal.  At least not from Governor Granite, Senators McTurtle or Poodle, or even the Donald.