It's not us, it's you...

Wednesday must have been Wild Turkey Feather day across our state.  I'm assuming that due to all the WTF posts on Facebook.  Seemed about half my friends were celebrating it.
It could stand for When To Flee or some other nonsense. But I'm pretty sure it has something to do with turkeys and feathers.

Speaking of, feathers were flying all over the state Wednesday after the Democratic party had magically turned a 6 point lead in the polls one day into an 8 point loss the next.

I suppose the lesson we should learn is that no polls matter if you don't show up at the election day poll. And by we, I mean Kentucky Democrats--a club I haven't belonged to in 34 years.
I feel loyal to the idea of a democratic party, but the party machine ripped my affinity to shreds years ago.  I believe the Kentucky Democratic party is responsible for more Republicans in the state than Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan put together.

So, since corporations are people now and parties are just corporations, I've got a few things I need to say to Mr or Ms. Kentucky Democratic Party.  I'm your Dutch Uncle.

The day after the day after the day after, you might have had your fill of election day turkey. But there's just enough left for a sandwich or two, so pull up a chair. Better take it while you can.
No you can't have it on wheat with horseradish.  You're going to have it on Kern's and mayo like real Kentuckians.

So you might not have noticed, but less than 31% of registered Kentucky voters showed up to elect a new governor. Isn't it terrible? Wonder why so few showed up?

I know what you think. It's all that negative campaigning and that dark money and that off-year election cycle stuff and the national party is too liberal and the war on coal and Tuesday's are just so hard!

Yes, I knew that's what you'd say. But here's a different thought, try chewing on this.

You want people to show up? Give them someone to vote for. Someone who isn't running on the "I'm not my opponent" strategy.

Running on the "we stood up to the president" platform when he's in your party is not a winning strategy. When the opposition runs a 24/7 propoganda campaign against the president, maybe you should do something other than shrug. Maybe you should fight it.

How about getting Democrats excited by sticking with a president who got elected twice and extended health insurance benefits to over 400,000 of them.

In the last 8 years you've lost 3 very winnable senate races and a governor's race. Each time you ran a candidate who was slightly less conservative than the opponent. Each candidate sounded more like they ran on the Republican party platform than their own. Each time you got crushed.

Kentuckians long for a Democrat who talks and walks like the real thing, not one whose only strength is not being the other guy. Your machine is wore out, it's time for a new one.

Now eat your sandwich. And it's not turkey, it's crow. Get used to it.