With all the excitement in other arenas lately, the flock of presidential aspirants has grown at an exponential pace well under the radar.
Maybe the daily fog of sulfer gas spewing from Trump headquarters is adding helpful cloud cover. We just haven't been paying much attention. Maybe we oughta.
I've about run out of fingers and toes to calculate the size of the gaggle.
As of this writing, there are 15 Republicans trying to replace the man who is the cause of every problem this country ever had. There are 4 Democrats and 1 Independent running as a Democrat also trying to capture the Oval Office.
Appendage math will get you to 20. For those of you who remember your Abe Lincoln, that's a score. Might as well go for a score and more! Surely there's a Romney out there somewhere. It's quite a scourge to have a score of candidates for an election a score minus four months away.
If more than three crows is a murder, could we call a group of presidential candidates a fraud?
A murder of crows, a pack of hyenas, a fraud of candidates. Rolls right off the keypad, don't you think?
For those of you keeping score, not to be confused with twenty, there's a current favorite among the party's faithful. With the first primaries six months away, the elbows are sharpening.
On the side of the Democrats, it's Hillary Clinton. Ms. Clinton has held the mythical next POTUS trophy since sometime after 2005. The biggest threat to keep her holding the trophy after 2016 is the Independent in the woodpile, Bernie Sanders.
It'll be nearly impossible to derail the Hillary juggernaut this time, but who knows what a pro 2nd
amendment Jewish socialist might do?
On the Republican side, current polls have the well known statesman and humanitarian Donald Trump getting the most space in the clown car. The Donald is such a shrinking violet, hardly anyone can tell he's leading George Bush's (choose one) brother or son.
That's a guy most famous for firing real people from a fake job leading a guy who thinks everything would be peachy if Americans would just work harder. Who says the Republican party isn't for the working man?
Bankers and stock brokers work really hard. People with the most money work the hardest, right? Trustafarians surely do! No wonder there are 15 and more on the way Party of No candidates. Fifteen who can no with the best of them. The no's know there's some serious Koch cash for the picking out on the campaign trail. If they miss it, there will always be a chair waiting on Fox and Friends. Sarah Palin set the bar, all you gotta do is limbo. Can you limbo?
Some of us might wish for other voices. Where are the great orators? The idea folks who can turn a heart with a word. Or how about the inspirational visionaries who see a great society doing greater things?
I don't know if he or she is in this score. It's mostly just talking heads in this bunch. Talking heads looking for a payday, saying anything to collect.
It's a fraud of candidates.