Spinning with Rudy

The former mayor of New York and current mayor of 9/11ville opened his mouth last week to suggest the president of the United States wasn't raised like the rest of us.

He first said it in a conference of business elites, major Republican funders, and several presidential wannabes.
Rudy "9/11" Giuliani (trademark pending) then went on the news network owned by an Australian and a Saudi prince and, with a straight face, tried to convince the gullible that Barack Obama doesn't love America, that he was raised "different" somehow.
So, being the weasel that I am, I took a look at Mr. 911's background.  My source is Wikipedia, generally about 82% more accurate than anything you'll hear on the Faux News Network. What I found surprised me.
It appears Rudy 911 was born and raised in Brooklyn.  For those of you who aren't familiar with Brooklyn, it's a lot like South Williamson or Ferrell's Creek--a quaint little neighborhood surrounded by a huge metropolitan area. Very much like the way you and I were raised right here.
There's more that is surely similar to your background.  His father spent time in SingSing prison and was an enforcer for Giulliani's uncle, a well known mob boss.  Dang, that describes half my friend's families right there! And like most true Republican patriots, when Nine One One Rudy was old enough to enlist he did...not.  Just like all my local buddies who were eligible for the draft during Vietnam, he got college deferments and then convinced a judge he was working for to get his 1-A draft status changed to 2-A.  He'd prove his patriotism by helping convict as many black people as possible on marijuana charges.
Now this short rundown of Rudy 911's upbringing might be a little different from yours, but heck, not that much. Not nearly as different as that president he was talking about.  Here's a guy who was born in Hawaii, which real Americans know is not in this country.  He was raised mainly by a single mother and his grandparents. Talk about un-American,  I've never heard of that happening in this country at all. And he supposedly graduated from Harvard Law School which everyone knows is about as real as climate change. I mean, who even knows someone who went to Harvard? (Ok, I do, but I can explain...)
There's been a lot of hubbub since Rudy (not the Notre Dame football movie guy) 911 made his statements.  I have to give credit to our own Randy "Goldilocks" Paul for calling out the Mayor of Whineyville on his comments.  And this week, Rudy Julie wrote a piece for the Wall Street Journal (also owned by the Australian and Saudi prince) where he tried to clarify his remarks, as if you really need to clarify "He doesn't love America. He doesn't love you and he doesn't love me."
I know a lot of conservatives who spend a lot of time parsing language.  Looking for those gotcha statements some poor shmuck makes innocently in the middle of a ramble.  The master parsers have taken a look at one of their own and determined they just can't spin this one away.